Good, effective habits are the cornerstone of success. You could achieve almost anything if you develop the right habits. Habits are what turns arduous work into a piece of cake. It’s what turns concentrated effort into second nature. If you could figure out the right habits to develop and develop them, achieving your dreams will just be a matter of time. If you’d like to recommend any habit quotes, please contact me. Enjoy.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.”
“Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired.”
~Jules Renard~
“Any act often repeated soon forms a habit; and habit allowed, steadily gains in strength. At first it may be but as the spider’s web, easily broken through, but if not resisted it soon binds us with chains of steel.”
~Tyron Edwards~
“Building a habit is the process of educating the subconscious. I have said that you are responsible for changing those attitudes you do not like…and that you can do this by changing the attitude (feeling) itself or by changing your behavior.”
~Thomas D. Willhite~
“The Law of Attraction attracts to you everything you need, according to the nature of your thought life. Your environment and financial condition are the perfect reflection of your habitual thinking.”
~Joseph Edward Murphy~
“Thoughts are things; they have tremendous power. Thoughts of doubt and fear are pathways to failure. When you conquer negative attitudes of doubt and fear you conquer failure. Thoughts crystallize into habit and habit solidifies into circumstances.”
~Bryan Adams~
“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.”
~Zig Ziglar~
“Failure is not a single, cataclysmic event. You don’t fail overnight. Instead, failure is a few errors in judgment, repeated every day.”
~Jim Rohn~
“One word of caution…the subconscious is just as apt to pick up a bad habit as a good one. Thus, if you let your consciousness dwell on frustrations, worries and failure, these are the attitude habits you will pick up.”
~Thomas D. Willhite~
“Keep my word positive. Words become my behaviors. Keep my behaviors positive. Behaviors become my habits. Keep my habits positive. Habits become my values. Keep my values positive. Values become my destiny.”
~Mahatma Gandhi~
“The lust for comfort, that stealthy thing that enters the house as a guest, and then becomes a host, and then a master.”
~Kahlil Gibran~
“Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way,
ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.”
~Deepak Chopra~
“There is a basic law that like attracts like. Negative thinking definitely attracts negative results. Conversely, if a person habitually thinks optimistically and hopefully his positive thinking sets in motion creative forces – and success instead of eluding him flows toward him.”
~Norman Vincent Peale~
“You leave old habits behind by starting out with the thought, ‘I release the need for this in my life.”
~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
“It’s the little things you do that can make a big difference. What are you attempting to accomplish? What little thing can you do today that will make you more effective? You are probably only one step away from greatness.”
~Bob Proctor~
“There is no Challenge more challenging than the challenge to improve yourself. ”
~Michael F. Staley~
“Feeling sorry for yourself, and your present condition, is not only a waste of energy but the worst habit you could possibly have.”
~Dale Carnegie~