Category: Self Improvement

Increase Your Happiness in Just 5 Minutes

What’s the secret to happiness? That’s the million dollar question but for just 3 easy payments of $29.99, I’ll tell you the secret. Seriously, there are no secrets. Happiness is just a feeling we each create within ourselves which means you can do it on purpose. The Plan …

Being Intelligent and Hardworking Isn’t Enough

I’ve heard people say there are plenty of hardworking, intelligent people who still fail to achieve their dreams and because of this, their advice is to be realistic and have a plan B. To a certain extent, I agree. You should definitely have a plan B if that …

5 Tips on Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolutions

With the start of the new year, tons of people are pumped up, excited, and ready to finally make a change. “2013! This is the year where things are going to be different! Woooo!” It’s definitely a great feeling but don’t count on it lasting forever. Various studies …

Habit Linking Method

July 5th, 2012 by Kevin Ngo “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” – Jim Ryun Breaking bad habits can be tough but creating good habits can be as well. From my experience, one of the things that make forming a new habit …

21 Things That Can Kill Your Motivation

June 18th, 2012 by Kevin Ngo Getting what you want in life comes down to getting yourself to do what needs to be done when it needs to be done. The problem many of us run into is losing our motivation to do what we have to do. …

Success Takes Consistent Action

(Reminders of Success 3) April 13th, 2012 by Kevin Ngo If you want to get from point A to point B, something needs to move. With all of the formulas, methods, ideas, and strategies of success that you can pick up, none of it will change your life …

Success Takes Focus

(Reminders of Success 2) March 12, 2012 by Kevin Ngo You can have a strong desire and really want to achieve your goal but as I’m sure you’ve experienced, life has its way of knocking us off course. Things come up, distractions occur, the next thing you know, …

Success Takes Desire

(Reminders of Success 1) February 29, 2012 by Kevin Ngo There is a huge difference in having an interest in achieving a goal and having a burning desire to achieve a goal. How intense does the desire have to be? It has to be enough to pull you …

How to Make 2012 an Epic Year

December 31st, 2011 by Kevin Ngo Whether you had a good year or a bad year, let’s step it up and do everything you can to make 2012 the best, most epic year yet. In order to do this, you need to first define the outcome. What will …

When It’s Time to Give Up

October 21th, 2011 by Kevin Ngo “What do you mean when it’s time to give up? I will NEVER give up!” Slow down there Rocky. Although I am a big believer and practitioner of the whole never give up motto, there will come a time in your life …