Song by The Script feat
Thanks to Connor and Priyesh for the song recommendation.
You can achieve almost anything you want but it’s not going to be easy, it never is. You’re going to have to go through some moments of pain. Challenges will sometimes make you question whether or not you really have what it takes. Setbacks can momentarily cause you to stay down but if your dream is important to you, you’ll find the strength to get back up. That’s what being a champion is about. It’s not about raising your arms in victory but about rising up each and every time you fall.
Whatever your dream is, the odds of achieving it are probably against you but that doesn’t matter because you’re made to defy the odds. You’re made to make obstacles crumble before you. You’re made to bring pain to pain. When your refusal to quit is greater than any challenge life can throw at you, obtaining your dream will just be a matter of time.
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Would it be ok to use inspiration from your song list and the explanations for why you chose each motivational song to motivate students at the high poverty stricken school I teach at in Southwest Philadelphia? I am thinking of starting up a Tee Shirt after school club and we want to create Tee shirts to motivate our learners. My idea was to have the Tee shirts feature song lyrics that they could relate to and that would simultaneously motivate them.
Hi Katlin,
I don’t know if using song lyrics on T-shirts is okay or not, especially if you’re going to be selling them. I have seen posters and shirts with motivational quotes on them though so I’m guessing as long as you attribute the quote/words to the author/artist, it’s fine.